
Compatible versions
The add-on allows you to configure the main and minor currencies for each interface language and automatically switch between them when changing the language
7 000  5 000 
Allows add credit programs for payments and fees calculation.
13 096 
Allows to track price history by chartlist on product page.
3 091 
Displays net profit for a specific product, order as a whole, for all orders
3 500 
Addon for payment systems of Uzbekistan HUMO and UZCARD
60 000 
Allows you to add a payment method using the universal payment acceptance system in Uzbekistan
12 000  8 000 
Allows you to place an order on credit or in installments through Tinkoff
5 250 
Allows you to flexibly configure and automatically fill in the details of the buyer using the DaData service for invoicing. Adds the ability to create forms for registering a vendor or a buyer with details fields from the module settings
5 800