Options for characteristics from vendors

Allows vendors to add their own variations on common features selected by site administrators.
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3 900  12 000 
Latest module version 1.3.1 Updated: 01.03.2025
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There are many characteristics in the marketplace, and it is difficult to keep track of their uniformity. Sellers enter data chaotically, which leads to chaos. It becomes difficult to control the conformity of characteristics on the marketplace, which negatively affects the catalog structure and product search.

At the same time, the standard CS-Cart tools do not allow flexible management of this process - the administrator can either completely allow sellers to manage characteristics, or completely prohibit them, but not configure restrictions more finely.

The “Options for characteristics from vendors” add-on provides options for managing product characteristics, allowing sellers to add new values ​​only for pre-approved characteristics, for example, different shades in the Color section, but not to create new characteristics if this is prohibited by the settings. This prevents unwanted or duplicate characteristics from appearing, while still allowing sellers to add new values ​​to existing ones.

Additionally, the add-on provides the ability to automatically set the uppercase for new characteristic values, which helps maintain a uniform catalog design style, improves its visual perception, and prevents inconsistencies in the writing of data.

Add-on features:

  • Configure exceptions - you can allow adding options only for certain characteristics.
  • Title case for characteristics - this setting helps maintain the accuracy and uniformity of data.
  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
  • Owners
  • Vendors
  • Backend
  • English
  • Русский
Compatible versions:
  • 4.18.X


After downloading the add-on, it is installed using the standard CS-Cart tools, on the page Administrator Panel → Add-onsDownloaded Add-onsGear buttonManual installation (For CS-Cart version later than 4.18.1)

Click Download, in the window that appears, select the add-on file, then Download and install.


  1. After installation, you need to activate the “Allow vendors to manage product features” parameter. To do this, go to Admin Panel → Settings → General → Vendors and check the corresponding checkbox:

⚠️ For the add-on to work correctly, you must activate the “Allow vendors to manage product features” parameter.

  1. Then we proceed to configuring the add-on. To do this, follow these steps: Administrator Panel → Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons → Options for characteristics from vendors → Settings and activate the necessary parameters:

    • Remove the ability for sellers to add characteristics:

      Check the box to restrict sellers from creating new characteristics.

    • Upper case for features:

      Check the box if you want to automatically set the uppercase for new characteristic values.

  2. Next, you need to allow for which characteristics sellers will be able to add new values. To do this, follow these steps: Administrator Panel → Products → Features, go to the required characteristic and activate this parameter:

    • MS: Allow sellers to upload their options

      Check the box to allow sellers to add new values ​​for this characteristic.

  3. After completing these settings, sellers will be able to create new values ​​for the selected characteristics.

v1.3.1 from 03/01/2025

[+] The "Characteristics" button is hidden for sellers when the function for adding characteristics is disabled

[+] Standardization of the add-on code by template

[+] Standardization of text files of the add-on

[+] Added a add-on logo, updated the icon

v1.3.0 from 02/20/2024

[+] Uploading several images in one field with a space separator

[!] If the characteristics options were contained in other characteristics, they were not uploaded. Fixed

v1.2.2 from 12/20/2023

[!] When importing, old variations (lowercase) were not replaced with uppercase (with the active option in the add-on), fixed

[*] Add-on priority was lowered

v1.2.1 from 08/23/2023

[!] When saving a product, not all variations had a string type, fixed

[!] It was impossible to save from uppercase to uppercase for Cyrillic, fixed

v1.2.0 from 08/18/2023

[+] The ability to change the values ​​of characteristics from uppercase to uppercase, available in the add-on settings

v1.1.0 from 08/14/2023

[+] Limitation in creating characteristics for vendors, a setting has been added to the add-on

[*] Short tags <? to regular <?php

v1.0.3 from 05/18/2023

[+] Import of your own options, if the option is set in the settings for the characteristics

v1.0.2 from 05/12/2023

[+] Import of goods, the ability to import characteristics for sellers, if the add-on "[eCom Labs] Characteristics in Separate Columns" (ecl_exim_features) is installed

v1.0.1 from 05/10/2023

[+] Import of characteristic options for sellers, if the checkbox is checked in the characteristic

[!] Missing file in the import scheme, fixed

v1.0.0 from 05/10/2023

[+] First edition

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