Category Block

Adds a new block with categories for quick navigation. Three modern presets to choose from. Can be placed on the main page or in any convenient location.
Please enter a valid addres(es) of the shop where you are going to use the add-on.
5 200  6 800 
Latest module version 1.7.2 Updated: 06.08.2024
Have questions about the module? Write to us: HelpDesk
30 days for return
If you are not satisfied with the operation of the module, we will return your money with bonus points in your Personal Account
Bonus for review
We will give 1000 bonus points in your Personal Account for a review after purchasing the module
One price regardless of the number of display cases, no need to pay extra
Free consultation and support on the module, assistance with installation
Discount for revision
We will give a discount of up to 50% on improvements to any functionality when purchasing a module from us
Improved UX
Price for all
13 900 ₽ 10 660 ₽
Order discount: 3 240 ₽

Neudobnaya navigatsiya i dolgiy protsess poiska tovarov mogut sozdavat' trudnosti dlya pol'zovateley, osobenno pri bol'shom assortimentе.

Nash modul' dobavlyaet blok s kategoriyami na lyubuyu stranitsu dlya uluchsheniya navigatsii i protsessa poiska tovarov v vashem magazinе. Otobrazhenie izobrazheniy kategoriy i podkategoriй priyvlekaet vnimanie posetiteley . Takzhe blok predostavlyaet vozmozhnost' otobrazhat' podkategorii v vide chastichno svernutogo spiska, chto pozvolyaet ekonomit' mesto na stranitse i obespechivaet legkuyu navigatsiyu mezhdu kategoriyami i podkategoriymi tovarov.

Nash produkt predlagaet vybor iz treh sovremennykh presetov, kazhdiy iz kotorykh imeet unikal'nyy dizayn:

Preset Quadrato:

Otobrazhenie ikonok v kvadratnom formate;

Effektnaya animatsiya pri navedenii.


Preset Tondo:

Otobrazhenie ikonok v kruglom formate;

Legkaya animatsiya pri navedenii.


Preset Lista:

Otobrazhenie ikonok v vide spiska;

Nastroyka otobrazheniya podkategoriй.


Osobennosti modula

  • Akkuratnyy vyvod v bloke na lyuboy stranitse;
  • Otobrazhenie ikonok kategoriy;
  • Vyvod podkategoriй v vide chastichno svernutogo spiska;
  • Redaktirovaniye kolichestva kolonok dlya otobrazheniya.
  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
  • Owners
  • Frontend
  • English
  • Русский
Compatible versions:
  • 4.17.X
  • 4.16.X
  • 4.15.X
  • 4.14.X
  • 4.13.X
  • 4.12.X


After downloading the add-on, its installation is performed using standard CS-Cart tools on the page Admin Panel → Add-ons→ Add-ons Management → Download and install the add-on (+).

For CS-Cart version 4.13.1 and higher, the Admin Panel → Add-ons→ Downloaded add-ons → Gear button → Manual installation.



All settings are in the Design → section Layouts.

To display the category block on the showcase, you need to add a new block to the page layout:

  1. Open the Design section → Layouts;
    1. Image
  2. Select which page the block will be placed on;
  3. Create a new section or use an existing one;
    1. Image
  4. In the selected section, click “+” and “Add block”;
    1. Image
  5. In the window that opens, select the “Create a new block” tab;
  6. Select the "MS: Category Block” block;
    1. Image
  7. In the window that opens, fill in the Name field;
    1. Image
  8. Select a preset from the list of templates;
    1. 💡
      Quadrato Example of display on a showcase
Tondo Example of display on a showcase
Lista Example of display on a showcase
  • Click the "Settings" button to adjust the display of the block; In this section, you can configure the display of the block on the showcase:
    1. Image
    2. In this section, you can configure the display of the block on the showcase:The number of subcategories to display is only available for the Quadrato and Lista presets;
    3. The number of columns for the desktop;
    4. The number of columns for the tablet;
    5. The number of columns for the mobile version.
  • Open the "Content” tab;
  • Click on the “Fill in” field list; In this section, you can configure which categories and subcategories will be displayed on the showcase:
    1. All categories of the 1st level - displays all the included categories of the 1st level, regardless of which page the block is located on;
    2. Auto - displays categories and subcategories depending on the page where the block is located;
      1. 💡
        It is convenient to use if the block is located on the "Categories" page. For example, if the Electronics category page is open, then all child categories and subcategories will be displayed in the block.
    3. Subcategories (manually) - displays the selected categories and subcategories.
    4. Image
  • Click “Create".
  • v1.7.1 (soon)

    [+] Standardization of the add-on

    [+] The layout has been updated

    v1.7.0 from 07.11.2023

    [+] Links have been added to the Quadrato preset and to the elements of the parent category

    [!] Displaying images with a transparent background

    [!] For the presets Tondo and Lista, the number of columns for the mobile version is limited

    [-] The placeholder "Manually" was removed in the block settings, the placeholder "Subcategories" is used

    v1.6.0 from 03.11.2023

    [-] The old preset has been removed, it is available in previous versions

    v1.5.0 from 01.11.2023

    [+] Added presets Quadrato, Tondo, Lista

    v1.4.8 from 10/30/2023

    [-] Removed the category selection function in the add-on settings, which will be sent via API when requesting api/categories?ms_get_parent_category=Y

    v1.4.7 from 09/21/2023

    [+] Added the ability to select icon sizes in the add-on settings

    v1.4.6 from 09/06/2023

    [+] Added the ability to select the category in the add-on settings that will be sent via API when requesting api/categories?ms_get_parent_category=Y

    v1.4.5 from 08/17/2023

    [+] Add-onstandardization

    [+] When choosing to fill in the "Subcategory" in the block setup, only level 1 categories were pulled up, fixed

    [*] Short tags have been changed for the usual

    v1.4.4 from 07/19/2023

    [!] The validator () returns an error, a duplicate of the id attribute is the trigger value of the span element. Fixed

    v1.4.3 from 02/13/2023

    [+] Added language variables

    v1.4.2 from 02/10/2023

    [+] Fixed the file init.php

    v1.4.1 from 12/26/2022

    [+] Add-on standardization

    v1.4.0 from 11/18/2022

    [+] Added a logo to the block

    [+] Added the ability to add icons for a category on hover

    [!] Fixed the display of subcategories and category icons in the block

    v1.3.9 from 09.10.2022

    [+] Add-on standardization

    v1.3.8 from 06/9/2022

    [!] Fixed the use of nested categories

    v1.3.7 from 05/20/2022

    [*] css styles changed

    v1.3.6 (05.05.2022)

    [+] Added a setting to change the type of cards on the subcategory pages

    [*] css styles changed

    v1.3.5 (04.05.2022)

    [*] The themes_repository folder has been changed

    [*] css styles changed

    v1.3.4 (04.05.2022)

    [+] Added alternative category display

    [+] Added carousel display

    v1.2.4 (13.04.2022)

    [+] Displaying selected subcategories

    v1.2.3 (06.02.2022)

    [*] Standardization of the add-on code

    v1.2.2 (20.09.2021)

    [+] Display in categories

    v1.2.1 (08.09.2021)

    [*] Removed unnecessary queries to unselected categories

    v1.2.0 (08.09.2021)

    [+] Display as a Flip card

    [+] Displaying the selected categories

    v1.1.0 (23.04.2021)

    [+] Display in 3 columns for the mobile version

    [*] Code refactoring

    v1.0.4 (18.03.2021)

    [*] Language variables have been changed

    v1.0.3 (27.01.2020)

    [+] First edition


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