After downloading the add-on, its installation is performed using standard CS-Cart tools on the Admin panel →Add-ons→ Manage add-ons → Download and install add-on (+) page.
For CS-Cart 4.13.1 and higher:Admin Panel →Add-ons → Add-on Management → Gear Button → Manual Installation.
Download,select the desired file and click Download and Install
For the menu to work, no settings are required in the modules menu, but you must select the type of the main menu in the layouts:
and on the Default tabin the parameters of the Main menu block
select template type [MS] Multilevel menu
The color scheme can be changed by adding the following code
.ms_top_menu .ms_top_menu__btn {
background-color: #9b38dc; /* цвет фона кнопки меню*/
border: 1px solid #9b38dc; /* цвет рамки кнопки меню*/
/* то же самое, но при наведении и нажатии кнопки */
.ms_top_menu .ms_top_menu__btn:hover, .ms_top_menu .ms_top_menu__btn.open {
background-color: #862ac1;
border-color: #862ac1;
to theme style file
What theme do you have and its style can be found here
As a result, the following menu will appear on the site.