Category block
Adds a new block with categories for quick navigation. Three modern presets to choose from. Can be placed on the main page or in any convenient place
After downloading the add-on, its installation is performed using standard CS-Cart tools on the page Admin Panel → Add-ons→ Add-ons Management → Download and install the add-on (+).
For CS-Cart version 4.13.1 and higher, the Admin Panel → Add-ons→ Downloaded add-ons → Gear button → Manual installation.
All settings are in the Design → section Layouts.
To display the category block on the showcase, you need to add a new block to the page layout:
- Open the Design section → Layouts;
- Select which page the block will be placed on;
- Create a new section or use an existing one;
- In the selected section, click “+” and “Add block”;
- In the window that opens, select the “Create a new block” tab;
- Select the "MS: Category Block” block;
- In the window that opens, fill in the Name field;
- Select a preset from the list of templates;
Example of display on a showcase
Example of display on a showcase
Example of display on a showcase
- In this section, you can configure the display of the block on the showcase:The number of subcategories to display is only available for the Quadrato and Lista presets;
- The number of columns for the desktop;
- The number of columns for the tablet;
- The number of columns for the mobile version.
- All categories of the 1st level - displays all the included categories of the 1st level, regardless of which page the block is located on;
- Auto - displays categories and subcategories depending on the page where the block is located;
- Subcategories (manually) - displays the selected categories and subcategories.
It is convenient to use if the block is located on the "Categories" page.
For example, if the Electronics category page is open, then all child categories and subcategories will be displayed in the block.