

After downloading the add-on, it is installed using standard CS-Cart tools on the Administrator Panel → Add-ons→ Manage add-ons→ Download and install add-on (+) page.

For CS-Cart versions greater than 4.13.1 Administrator panel → Add-ons→ Manage add-ons→ Gear button → Manual installation.


Working with functionality

To view statistics and work with redirects, you need to open the Website → SEO → MS: 404 pages section.


This page displays all transitions to non-existent pages made by site visitors.


To set up a redirect you need:

  1. In the selected line, select Type of redirect:
    1. 301 - permanent redirect;
    2. 302 - temporary redirect.
  2. In the Link to line, indicate the transition address, for example /elektronika;
  3. Click Save.

To create a new entry with a configured redirect, you must:

  1. Click “+”Add;
  2. In the URL field, indicate the link that needs to be redirected;
  3. In the Link to field, indicate the URL to which the redirect will lead;
  4. Select Type of redirect;
  5. Select Status;
  6. Click the Save button.

Editing is done in the same way as creating a new entry or using quick editing directly in the list.


The add-on can export the list of redirects to a csv file and conversely import the list from a file. This functionality is available in two ways:

1. In the top menu Administrator Panel page → Administration  Import Data  MS: Import 404 pages.


Similarly Administrator Panel page → Administration  Export Data  MS: Export 404 pages.

2. From the add-on menu Administrator Panel page → Website → SEO → MS: 404 pages → Gear Menu  MS: Export 404 pages (or MS: Import 404 pages).


To export, it is necessary to specify which fields except the obligatory redirect_id we will upload to the file. Then write the name of this file and press Export:


To import using the Load button, select the file to load which should contain fields from the list on the page and then click Import:
