By the first, you have to register at the https://sypexgeo.net service. After registration you will receive 30 000 free requests, that will be reset every month. Also you can buy more requets for 10$ for 100 000 requests.
At the account page you will see an api key, requests amount you have and you can buy more requests here. IMPORTANT: when you buy requests you should select the REST API point.
You should enter an API KEY to module settings
This module allows you to work with manually created cities aswell as with cities from the "Cities" module from the CS-Cart Russian Build.
For manual setup you should go to the Website - CS-Coding: Geolocation Cities page. Here you can create your cities. It contains the following settings:
Additional text - short info about the city. Here you can fill information about the store stock, shipping features or no stores. You can use any html tags there.
Link - set other domain\subdomain for this city. For ex https://amsterdam.site.com or https://site.com/amsterdam (http:// or https:// is necessary). Current request params will be saved.
Show add text in notification adter select a city - when you selected this city, you will see a notification with short info about the selected city.
Show add text in separate block - you can put short info about the city at any place. If the checkbox is checked, short info will appear for this city in a block.
Show city in cities list - display the city in city selection list (described below)
If you are using CS-Cart Russian Build, you can set the same settings for the Russian cities at the Administration - Shipping & Taxes - Cities page
To set up the blocks of the module you should open the Design - Layouts page, select necessray place at the layout and add one of these blocks
The Cities block displays the city selection field. You can turn off this popup in module settings
The City Info block displays the Short info about the selected city
Also the selected city is automaticaly fills at the checkout page.
- You can change any default text in language variables